Sixth Grade Course Listing


Course Number -- Course Name

CO0610 -- Sixth Grade Seminar - Nine weeks



Course Number -- Course Name

EN0610 -- English 6



Course Number -- Course Name

HI0610 -- History 6



Course Number -- Course Name

MA0610 -- Math 6


Physical Education

Course Number -- Course Name

PE06SF -- Physical Education 6 (Female) - Semester 

PE06SM -- Physical Education 6 (Male) - Semester



Course Number -- Course Name

SC0610 -- Life Science


Technology & Innovation

Course Number -- Course Name

TIC061Q -- Computer 6 - Nine weeks



Course Number -- Course Name

TH061Q -- Bible 6 - Nine weeks


World Languages

Course Number -- Course Name

MS061S -- Introduction to the Study of Language - Nine weeks


Elective Wheel

Fine Arts

(Designed to expose students to nine-week courses in a selection of disciplines. However, instrumental musicians may take a year-long music course.)

Course NumberCourse Name

FA061Q -- 2D Art 6 - Nine weeks

FA067Q -- 3D Art 6 - Nine weeks

FA062Q -- Dance 6 - Nine weeks

FA063Q -- Drama 6 - Nine weeks

FA064Q -- Music 6 - Nine weeks

TIS061Q -- STEAM 6 - Nine weeks

FM0610 -- Middle School Beginning Band - Year