Click on a course name below to view more information.
Level: 6th grade
Length Year
Description: The sixth-grade math course begins with reinforcement of basic computational skills for whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. The course of study builds to the introduction of more complicated computations in those same areas. Additionally, students are introduced to the concepts of exponents, prime, and composite numbers, scientific notation, integers, percentages, consumer math, measurement (both standard and metric), algebraic expressions, and equations. Throughout the year, critical-thinking skills, problem solving, and math reasoning are emphasized.
Level: 7th grade
Length: Year
Description: This mathematics course is offered to students who would benefit from a course paced to develop proficiency of early mathematical concepts including computations, number facts, measurement and number sense. Students continue to hone their skills as it relates to whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and percentages. Word problems are explored to help students develop their logic and reasoning skills. A preview of concepts including algebraic expressions and solving simple equations helps students understand what is meant by abstract thinking and its relevance to the study of mathematics. Students' 7th grade math placement is based on performance on the Independent School Entrance Exam and the 7th Grade Math Proficiency Assessment.
MA072M Algebraic Foundations (1 credit) - Male
Level: 7th grade
Length: Year
Description: In a single-gender setting, this comprehensive mathematics course focuses on computational proficiency and number sense while developing logic, reasoning, and introductory algebraic skills. The properties of the real-number system and the concepts of variables, expressions, factors, and exponents are incorporated as students write and solve equations and inequalities and investigate real-life mathematical situations. Students’ Algebraic Foundations placement is based on their performance on the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) and the 7th Grade Math Proficiency Assessment.
Level: 7th grade
Length: Year and departmental approval.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval and a strong performance on the Algebra Proficiency Assessment.
Description: This course is designed to help students develop the fundamentals of foundational algebra. Concepts that are introduced include properties of the real- number system; operations with and factoring of polynomials; problem solving with equations in one and two variables; irrational numbers; and linear and quadratic functions. Problem-solving skills are developed and critical-thinking skills are stressed throughout the course.
MA081M Algebra 1A (1 credit) - Male
Level: 8th grade
Length: Year
Prerequisite: Algebraic Foundations.
Description: This course, focusing on the first half of Algebra 1, is offered to students whose mathematical skills need fine-tuning and who require more time to develop abstract thinking. The pace of the course allows students the opportunity to better understand each concept as it is introduced. Students examine the structure and properties of real numbers, order of operations, solving multi-step equations and inequalities, and functions, including linear functions.
MA082M Algebra 1 (1 credit) - Male
Level: 8th grade
Length: Year
Prerequisite: Algebraic Foundations and departmental approval.
Description: In a single-gender setting, this course is designed to help students develop the fundamentals of foundational algebra. It focuses on the structure and properties of the real-number system, order of operations, polynomials, factoring, and linear and quadratic functions. As each new concept evolves, critical thinking, inductive and deductive reasoning, and problem-solving strategies are developed.
Level: 8th grade
Length: Year and departmental approval.
Prerequisite: Algebraic Foundations, departmental approval, and a strong performance on the Honors qualifying test.
Description: This course is designed for the confident, responsible, and exceptionally-talented mathematics student who is developmentally-ready for the accelerated pace and rigorous demands. The fundamentals of algebra are introduced, including the properties of the real-number system, operations with and factoring of polynomials, problem solving with equations in one and two variables, irrational numbers, and linear and quadratic functions. In-depth problem-solving skills are developed, and critical-thinking skills are stressed throughout the course.
Level: 8th grade
Length: Year
Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and departmental approval.
Description: This Middle School geometry course is designed for exceptional eighth-grade mathematics students who have
successfully completed one year of algebra in the 7th grade. Critical-thinking skills are developed through the process of student-driven exploration. Discovery, curiosity, personal initiative, and perseverance are required. This course includes the topics traditionally presented in geometry but at a faster pace and on a deeper theoretical level. These concepts include terminology and properties of geometry, geometric constructions, deductive and inductive reasoning, proof writing, formulas pertaining to measurement of plane and solid figures, transformations, properties and relationships of geometric figures, and right-triangle trigonometry.