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Honor Active Military and Veterans on the Hero Wall
Along with a special Veterans Day Chapel on Friday, November 10, St. Mark’s Campus will prominently display photos and information about veterans and active military special to the St. Mark’s Campus community. Faculty, staff, and families are encouraged to submit information about loved ones before Tuesday, November 7. If you submitted information during the past…
Read MoreDonate to Episcopal’s Hurricane Helene Response
Episcopal continues to pray for those who are enduring these devastating floods, destruction of homes, businesses and entire communities, and the loss of lives. ESJ encourages you to give generously to the Episcopal Relief and Development ( or other trusted organizations you may know of that are actively involved in relief efforts. In addition, all three…
Read MoreFourth Grade Trip to Jaybird Hammock Farm Connects Nature and Literature
This summer, fourth grade students dived into the heartwarming book “Better with Butter,” which follows a 12-year-old girl named Marvel navigating anxiety and her extraordinary friendship with a fainting goat called Butter. Last week, St. Mark’s Campus fourth grade students took their learning to the next level with a unique goat yoga session at Jaybird…
Read MoreBeaches Hosts Annual Volleyball Clinic on Campus
The Munnerlyn Campus Varsity Volleyball team hosted its annual clinic opportunity by inviting Lower School students in third through fifth grades to practice after school on September 24 in the Beaches Campus Gym. The clinic was made available by Jaime L. Simmons, Volleyball Program Director, as a pathway for students to learn new skills and…
Read MoreGlobal Learning Opportunities for Summer 2025
Episcopal will offer several opportunities for learning this summer through its Institute for Global Learning program. Programs include: French Exchange May-June; Iceland – June 10-17; Costa Rica June 27-Jul 13; and Japan June 1-10. Students will have the ability to study history and nature on a trip to northern Iceland, where they will visit geothermal…
Read MoreFine Arts Celebrates 20th Year of Munnerlyn Center
The 2024-2025 school year is the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Munnerlyn Center for Worship and Fine Arts with its Berg Gallery, Deming Theatre, Jimbo’s Workshop, Golden Pearl Foundation Stage, FANS courtyard, and performing arts classrooms. “This building single-handedly took a small, yet strong, Episcopal arts program and launched it into the robust…
Read MoreStudents Use Technology to Bring Classroom Studies to Life
St. Mark’s Campus fifth-grade students recently brought their studies on Native American culture to life thanks to virtual reality (VR) and 3D printing. After learning about long houses, tepees, and pueblo homes built by Cherokee and other tribes, they utilized VR goggles to explore around and inside dwellings. David Sandlin, Innovation Instructor, facilitated discussion by…
Read MoreCollege Counseling Provides Programming for Parents, Upper School Students
Episcopal College Counseling hosts programming for students and parents throughout the year to ensure that students are well-informed and well-supported. Programming is already in full swing this year! Seniors attended Application Kick-off sessions in August to ensure a smooth start to the application season and senior year and have each met with their College Counselor to…
Read MoreFifth Grade Retreat Offers Memorable Experiences and Team Building
Beaches and St. Mark’s Campus students had the opportunity to bond and experience Episcopal’s Knight Sports Campus and Walton Boathouse last week on their fifth grade retreat. Munnerlyn Campus faculty members Jay Bolt, Matt Flakus, Jono Hustis, Michelle Krueger, and The Rev. Teresa Seagle led activities representing Episcopal’s Four Pillars. The fifth grade retreat is…
Read MoreInstallation Ceremonies Held for Student Leadership Organizations
Munnerlyn Campus recently held installation ceremonies for Student Government, A.I.R. (Awareness, Inclusion, and Respect) Council, and Honor and Discipline Councils. Student Government is responsible for planning all of the events of Homecoming week–the pep rally, the powderpuff game, and the dance–as well as winter formal and spring week. Additionally, students propose at least one “initiative”…
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