Classes Without Quizzes and Book Fair Promotes Fellowship on St. Mark’s Campus
St. Mark’s Campus had record attendance for its annual Classes Without Quizzes Family Open House event held on Thursday, October 6. Parents and grandparents had the opportunity to visit three different classes their child(ren) participate(s) in during the school day. From painting, dancing, and programming robots to social studies activities, math games, and science experiments, students loved sharing their days with loved ones. Following classes, families were treated to a pizza dinner and the opportunity to shop at the Book Fair and purchase apparel from the ESJ Campus Store.
“As Director of Admission and Enrollment for St. Mark’s Campus, I spend a lot of time talking to parents about what students do during their school day,” said Kelli Chunn. “Giving parents a firsthand glimpse into their child’s classes truly answers the age-old question, ‘What did you do at school today?’”