Founded in the school's first year, the Episcopal School of Jacksonville Foundation endowment provides in perpetuity funds for financial aid, faculty development, and program support. With assets of approximately $15 million, the Foundation provides annual income to the school and is managed by the Foundation's Board of Directors. These funds, combined with other annual gifts to the school, enable Episcopal to provide financial aid to worthy students. Scholarships and special funds from the Foundation are given in the name of persons or organizations listed below.
Click on the campus name below to view Endowment information for that campus.
Munnerlyn Campus
Endowed Scholarship Funds
50th Reunion Scholarship Fund
Established in 2020 by the school’s first graduating Class of 1970, the 50th Reunion Scholarship Fund was created to provide financial assistance to deserving students. The Class of 1970 created a tradition whereby each alumni class celebrating its 50th Reunion will add funds to this scholarship.
Bank of America Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001 by Bank of America, this scholarship fund is established to provide assistance to academically qualified minority students with financial need. As a founder in the Take Stock in Children program, Bank of America established this scholarship at Episcopal to assist Take Stock in Children participants whenever possible. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.
Ashley Danielle Bateh Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established in memory of alumna Ashley D. Bateh ’03 through gifts from many family members and friends. This scholarship makes it possible for others who demonstrate Ashley’s qualities of integrity, creativity, exuberance, and a genuine love of all humankind, to attend the school. A scholarship is awarded from this fund to a deserving student in Middle or Upper school.
Bond Science Endowment
Established in 2000 by Sandy and Bill Bond and their family, this fund supplements the annual department operating budget, providing extra funds for research projects, special programs, and resources to enhance the science curriculum.
James B. and Barbara Russell Bours Scholarship Fund
Established through a bequest from the Bourses’ estate upon Mrs. Bours’s death in 1996, this fund awards numerous scholarships to academically talented students with financial need. Mr. and Mrs. Bours were members of St. John’s Cathedral.
Buford L. Bowen Scholars Fund
Established by a generous planned gift from Buford L. Bowen, a lifelong Episcopalian who loved young people, The Bowen Scholars Fund provides financial aid to deserving students. Students who are selected as Bowen Scholars will continue to receive the scholarship throughout their Episcopal career, provided that the student maintains certain academic standards.
Miller Bower Scholarship Fund
Established in 1996 through a gift from the Mary and Bruce Bower family, scholarships are awarded to students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds who could not otherwise attend Episcopal and who demonstrate the highest qualities of leadership, character, academic achievement and artistic or athletic ability.
Steven De Balmaseda Champion Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1986 through gifts made in memory of 1982 graduate Steven de Balmaseda Champion. In addition to this fund, which awards a scholarship to a deserving Middle or Upper School student, the “Giving Tree” at the front circle drive was given in Steve’s memory by family, friends, and classmates.
James Lee Coon Jr. Scholarship Fund
Established in 1997 by the Episcopal Student Senate, this fund awards a scholarship in memory of James Coon, a 1993 graduate. This scholarship is awarded to an individual who requires financial assistance in order to attend Episcopal and who exhibits a love for God, family, and community.
Cameron Murchison Corse Fund
This fund was established in 1980 in memory of Cameron Murchison Corse, a member of the Class of 1975, to award a scholarship to a deserving student who displays excellence in academics.
Neal G., Sr. and BJ Cury Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001 through a gift from the estate of Neal G. Cury, Sr. and the memorial gifts of family and friends, awards from this fund are made to students who need financial assistance in order to attend Episcopal.
The Linda and Rip duPont Endowed Scholarship
Longtime Episcopal supporters Linda and Rip duPont are the parents of two Episcopal graduates, Stacy ‘88 and Tim ’91. Linda and Rip duPont created a scholarship for students with financial need, with preference given to a student or students coming to Episcopal from the Beaches Campus.
Endowment for Support of Minority Students
This endowment seeks to ensure the success of economically disadvantaged students who receive substantial financial aid by offering them support services and resources which will increase their opportunity to thrive at Episcopal, in college, and in life. Financial aid pays for tuition, but it does not address the additional expenses which are vital to the complete student experience. These expenses include tutoring, counseling services, books, uniforms, technology, among others.
The EHS Scholarship Fund
The Scholars Fund was established in December 2000 through a gift from A. Dano Davis and his sons, Ben ’92 and Jed ’96. This fund assists students with financial need who possess strong character and who display in their lives and work the traits of excellence, honor and service.
Forbes Scholars Fund
Created by Marie and John Forbes, the Forbes Scholars Fund will award a scholarship to a student for his or her entire Episcopal career. Students with financial need will be eligible for the scholarship and will maintain their status as a Forbes Scholar as long as they meet the academic requirements to remain at Episcopal.
The George Warren History Endowment
Established in 2022 by Seth Pajcic ‘95, the George Warren History Endowment generates annual supplemental funds for the History Department. Named in memory of George “Buddy” Warren, who taught history and US government at Episcopal from 1978 to 1997, this endowed fund will support special experiences, field trips, professional development, or teaching materials.
Bartram and Barbara Herlong Scholarship Fund
A planned gift from The Right Reverend Bertam N. Herlong established a scholarship in his memory. Though he became Bishop of Tennessee, Father Herlong was a young priest when he was named Episcopal’s first Chaplain and assistant headmaster, and he conducted the weekly chapel services scored with music that he and other Episcopal teachers wrote. He had a long career in the priesthood, serving at churches in Florida, New York, and Michigan before he was named Bishop of Tennessee.
Yvonne L. and Monique M. Grand Scholarship Fund
The Yvonne L. and Monique M. Grand Scholarship Fund honors the memory of two sisters, Yvonne Grand '87 and Monique "Mokie" Grand '89. Mokie died during her senior year at Episcopal, and Yvonne died in 2018. The Monique Grand Award is a scholarship fund given annually at Senior Honors Convocation; its name changed in 2019 to include both sisters. The Yvonne and Monique Grand Scholarship Fund will ensure that this important scholarship fund will continue to be awarded to a deserving senior.
The Joseph and Jean Conrad Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2021 in memory of Joseph and Jean Conrad, whose three children are graduates of Episcopal: Jill ’70, Suki ‘73, Reid ‘79. This scholarship has been established for students in need of financial assistance.
John Michael Kelly Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2010 through the estate of Mr. Kelly. It provides a scholarship to a deserving student in Middle or Upper School.
Amy Delores Lastinger ’91 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, a scholarship is awarded to assist academically talented students with financial need who would otherwise be unable to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.
Randall Lane Lastinger ’85 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, this fund awards a scholarship to assist academically talented students with financial need who would otherwise be unable to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.
Talona Mae & Fred William Melber Fund
Mr. Melber established a scholarship fund, through the Community Foundation, to be awarded to students with financial and/or life-circumstance needs, most particularly children who may be orphans, foster children or otherwise from families who do not have the economic means to enable them to attend Episcopal. Mr. Melber was an orphan who grew up on Episcopal’s property when it was a boys’ home operated by St. John’s Cathedral. The boys’ home closed in 1953, making way for St. John’s Cathedral to envision a high school on its land. Each year, a deserving student who would not otherwise be able to attend Episcopal receives a generous scholarship provided by Fred Melber’s Fund.
Roberta Mercier Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in 2000 by Lee Mercier in honor of his wife’s retirement from Episcopal School of Jacksonville after 27 years as a teacher of French and chair of the Foreign Language Department. The Fund is established to assist deserving students with financial need and to help increase the diversity of the student body. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.
Wellington Cotton Paul Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2000 by Peggy and J.F. Bryan IV in honor of Peggy’s father, Wellington “Cotton” Paul, so that students with financial need may benefit from an Episcopal education in the same way as have Mr. Paul’s grandchildren, Jeff ’89, Cotton ’91 and Josh ’03.
Lindsey Kathleen Lastinger Riggs ’90 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, a scholarship is awarded to assist academically talented students with financial need who would otherwise be unable to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.
Katherine & Franklin G. Russell Scholarship Fund
Established in 2002 by Katherine Beard and Louise Hardwick, in memory of their parents, and by Franklin and Anne Beard, in memory of his grandparents, scholarships from this fund are awarded to academically deserving students who require financial assistance to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville.
Headmaster’s (Semmes) Scholarship Fund
George and Eunice Semmes gave annual scholarship gifts to support deserving students--know as The Semmes Scholars--during their lifetimes. Upon their death, their Foundation established The Headmaster's Scholarship Fund for students with financial need.
Lauren K. Snyder Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1989 by the Student Senate and the Senior Class in memory of their classmate, Lauren Snyder.
Charles E. Merrill Scholarship Fund
Established in 1970, this fund awards grants to Episcopal faculty members to pursue continuing education through summer studies, workshops and other special educational programs.
The James Edwin Rowan Endowed Scholarship
Created in 2020 by Board of Trustees Chair Helen Rowan, her husband, Paul Halloran, and their children Diana '11, Sean '15, and Margaux '18, this scholarship honors the memory of James Edwin Rowan, Helen's father. This scholarship fund will support a James Edwin Rowan Scholar throughout his or her years at Episcopal.
William N. Valentine Endowed Scholarship
Former teacher William N. “Bill” Valentine taught English, history, Russian, and Latin in his 43 year career at Episcopal. He received the Davis Award for Excellence in Teaching and was also named the Leo C. Burgman Chair in English before his retirement. He created a scholarship fund which is awarded to students with financial need so that they can benefit from the school he loved and served.
Sarah Elizabeth Morley Towers & Dr. Robert Baldwin Van Cleve Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in 1988 by Dr. and Mrs. Robert Baldwin Van Cleve in memory of a devout admirer of Episcopal, Sarah Elizabeth de Lannoy Morley Towers. In 2005 Dr. Van Cleve’s family made additional contributions and included his name on this fund. Each year a portion of the interest is used to assist scholarship students with various additional educational expenses that arise.
Shirley Cox Webb Scholarship Fund
Established in 1979 by Dr. and Mrs. H. Warner Webb, this fund provides a scholarship for a deserving Middle or Upper School student in memory of Shirley Cox Webb, mother of Dan Webb ’77, Patrick Webb ’79, and Julia Claire Webb ’85.
Professional Development and Faculty Funds
Mary Lou and Dan Davis Awards for Excellence in Teaching
Established in 1992, the Davis Awards for Excellence in Teaching are presented each year to selected Episcopal School of Jacksonville teachers who personify quality in their teaching and in their influence on student learning; who consistently and unselfishly go above and beyond normal expectation of time, energy and devotion in working with students; who demonstrate the rare ability to motivate students to higher and higher levels of achievement; and who have consistently made use of opportunities for continuing education to improve themselves professionally. This award is intended to inspire all Episcopal teachers to pursue uncompromising excellence and caring in the classroom.
Endowed Fund for Harkness Teaching
Created in 2014 by donors who funded Episcopal’s initial pilot program in the Harkness method, the Endowed Fund for Harkness Teaching provides ongoing funds to ensure the effective integration of the Harkness method in Episcopal’s curriculum. This fund provides training, evaluation, and support for teachers using the Harkness method and will spread and maintain the culture of Harkness teaching.
The Guardian Award (Dahl) Scholarship Fund
Established in 1999, The Guardian Gift was created by Bill and Theresa Dahl to honor an Episcopal teacher or staff member whose mentoring and positive influence has made a lasting impact on a student. Graduating seniors are invited to write an essay about their “Guardian” teacher and why he or she deserves to be honored. The recipients are not announced until the Senior Honors Convocation when the student is invited to read the winning essay which reveals who that student’s Guardian is.The Dahls endowed a fund for The Guardian Gift in 2003.
Lastinger Summer Scholarship Fund
Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, the Lastinger Summer Scholars Fund will provide for professional development opportunities over and above those required, and will benefit not only the faculty members’ educational needs but also the expanded community of Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Some of the most rewarding professional development programs are those extended summer programs offered by numerous universities, agencies, and foundations.
Elizabeth Simpson Walton '71 Fund for Coaches' Professional Development
Created by the siblings of Elizabeth “Beppy” Simpson Walton ’71 after her death, this unique fund gives an annual distribution to the Athletic Department for the purpose of sending full time and adjunct coaches to professional training sessions and seminars. Beppy Walton was an elite swimmer who also coached swimming for many years, and she knew the impact that good coaching could have on an athlete’s development. This fund adds additional dollars to the Athletic Department’s existing budget for coaches’ professional development, making Episcopal’s investment in its coaching staff extraordinary.
Academic Department Funds
Bond Science Endowment
Established by Sandy and Bill Bond, a former chair of the Board of Trustees, this endowment provides annual extra support for the Science department.
Leo C. Burgman Endowed Chair in English
Established in 1997 through a gift from the late Jim and Mary Winston, and their daughter McKimmon “Kimmie” Winston Mason '75, this chair honors the memory of Kimmie’s grandfather, Leo C. Burgman. As an academic chair, income from this fund helps attract and retain high-quality faculty in the department of English. Jim Winston served the school as a member of the Board of Trustees and the Foundation Board and was named a Trustee Emeritus for his dedication to the school.
Magevney Family Technology Fund
Established in 2000 by Meta and Hugh Magevney and their sons, Michael ’87, John ’89 and William ’00, this fund provides in perpetuity for enhancement and expansion of the technology program at Episcopal. In this ever-changing arena, this fund will aid the school in staying at the forefront of educational technology.
The Jack Tarver Endowed Fund for Communications
This fund supports the school’s Department of Communications, which includes journalism, media production, public speaking, yearbook, and psychology. This fund was established by Katie Jason Oldoerp ’96 in memory of her grandfather, the late Jack Tarver, former publisher of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and chair of the Associated Press.
Special Endowed Funds
The Dale D. Regan Plaza Replacement Endowment
This special fund was created by Denise Hunt, sister of Dale Regan, to fund the eventual replacement of the beautiful Dale D. Regan Plaza. The Regan Plaza surrounded the iconic Great Oak tree which stood on Episcopal’s grounds for hundreds of years and was former teacher and Head of School Dale Regan’s favorite place on the campus. After her death in 2012, the community created the Dale D. Regan Plaza to honor her memory of service to the school. To ensure that the Regan Plaza can be replaced without cost to the school, Denise Hunt established this term endowment to honor her sister.
St. Mark's Campus
Unrestricted Endowment Funds
Thomas Palmer Baker Endowment Fund
Established in 1984 in memory of Thomas Palmer Baker to provide discretionary dollars for the general enhancement of school operations.
Inez S. Chambers Endowment Fund
Bequeathed in 1994 by Ms. Chambers to benefit the current needs of St. Mark’s students.
General Endowment Fund
Established to provide funds for the general enhancement of school operations.
Restricted Endowment Funds
Jamie Andrews and Glen Orr Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004 in memory of Jamie Andrews and Glenn Orr to provide tuition assistance for eligible students with financial need.
Claude N. Brown Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004 in honor of Claude N. Brown to provide tuition assistance for eligible students with financial need on the St. Mark’s Campus.
James Duncan Burn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001 by Mrs. Frances Burn in memory of her husband, James Duncan Burn, to provide financial assistance to eligible students.
Marilu Dempsey Scholarship Fund
Established in 2006 in honor of Marilu Dempsey because of her love for children and for all her service to the St. Mark’s family. The fund provides tuition assistance to eligible students.
Oleta L. Dimmick Scholarship Fund
Established in 1998 by the Board of Trustees in honor of Oleta L. Dimmick’s twenty four years of service to St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School. The fund provides tuition assistance to eligible students with demonstrated need.
Founders Endowment for Continuing Education
Established in 2006, this provides funding for faculty and staff professional development.
General Scholarship Campaign
Initiated in 1992 under the leadership of Mrs. Diane M. Graham, this fund makes it possible for children of families with financial need to enjoy the benefits of a St. Mark’s education.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by Lynn and William Inman to provide funds for children to attend St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School whose parents may otherwise be unable to provide an academically challenging education in a Christian environment.
Library Endowment Fund
Established in 1986 in memory and in honor of Mr. Francis Childress, Mrs. Jacquelyn Dwells, Mrs. Rachel Thompson, and Mrs. Anina Walter for the purchase of books and materials for the school library.
Sherouse Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides tuition assistance for eligible students with demonstrated financial need.
R.S. Williamson Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of R. S. Williamson to provide financial assistance for eligible students.
Nancy N. Wood Excellence in Education Endowment Fund
Established in 2001 by the Board of Trustees to honor Nancy N. Wood for her service to St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School as Headmistress from 1989 – 2001. The fund originally provided an award to a member of the St. Mark’s faculty. It has since been expanded to recognize excellence in all aspects of teaching across both Episcopal Lower School campuses, St. Mark’s and Beaches.
The G. Kennedy Thompson Library Endowment Fund
Established in 1997 by Mr. and Mrs. G. Kennedy Thompson in honor of their children, Kenny, Stacey, and Scotty, for the purchase of books and materials for the school library.
The Ralph N. and Anina M. Walter Scholarship Fund
Given in 1992 as part of the general scholarship endowment program, these funds provide financial assistance for eligible students.
Endowment Funds
Buford L. Bowen Scholarship Fund
Established in 2014 by the Buford L. Bowen Charitable Fund to provide tuition assistance for eligible students with financial need.
Cathy Hardage Fund For Financial Aid
Established in 2014 to honor Cathy Hardage and her service to St. Mark’s as the Head of School from 2006 – 2014. This fund provides tuition assistance each year to eligible student(s) with demonstrated financial need.
Hank L. Haynes Fund For Financial Aid
Established in 2014 by the estate of Hank L. Haynes, this fund provides tuition assistance each year to eligible student(s) with demonstrated financial need.
Beaches Campus
McCondichie Children's Fund
Longtime Beaches Episcopal School supporter Hayne McCondichie established a scholarship for students with financial need who will be attending the Beaches campus.