Choral Music

The music curriculum at the Beaches Campus includes singing, movement, listening, music reading, and preparation for songs sung in Chapel. Parents and family are invited to attend student musical performances throughout the year, including a Christmas performance.


The Lower School Dance program gives elementary aged students the opportunity to participate in dance regardless of level or years of experience. Throughout these dance classes students will be introduced to and explore movement, while also focusing on coordination, flexibility, and strength. Students will spend time learning different genres of dance including jazz, hip hop, ballet, musical theater, and much more. Not only will students learn techniques that are required of these styles, but they will also learn choreography throughout the year. In addition, there are more opportunities for these students to expand their knowledge and training of dance through the after school program.

Studio Art

Kindergarten through fifth grade students enjoy learning basic visual art concepts in the campus’s bright and spacious new art room. Students are continuously encouraged to stretch their imaginations and implement problem-solving skills using a variety of materials.  Pre-kindergarten through second grade students focus on understanding how to properly use a wide variety of art materials through making connections in art, exploring art concepts, telling stories through art, and creating art. Third grade through fifth grade students focus on using the various art materials in a new and creative way to develop critical thinking skills and encourage cultural awareness and understanding. The elements and principles of design are taught and explored through their art making process. Art projects will often correlate with classroom curriculum across all grade levels.

Instrumental Music

The music curriculum at the Beaches Campus for all students includes singing, playing instruments, dancing, improvising, composing, and learning about music history and theory. Students learn to play xylophones, hand drums, rhythm sticks, and auxiliary percussion instruments which supplement the lessons. Parents and family are invited to attend student musical performances throughout the year. In addition, each fourth and fifth grade student can participate in the Band twice a week as part of the regular fine arts curriculum. The Band features brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Students choose an instrument and practice to build musical skills and grow as musicians.  


Students in various grade levels have opportunities to be part of performance events like the Lessons and Carols Service, the Spring production, and Thanksgiving Chapel.  Younger students participate in special events where they sing or act out motions while older students have more responsibilities during all-school chapel with duties like acolytes, readers, banners, and bulletin distribution. Students are encouraged to conquer their fears of performing in front of audiences, and they are given more exposure as they process through the program. All fourth and fifth grade students take a drama class during the fine arts wheel. Fifth grade students play roles from the Nativity story during the annual Lessons and Carols service. During the Spring production, grades 3-5 work with scripted material. Grades 1 and 2 perform story theatre annually. Opportunities for Kindergarten are available in classroom performances as well.