Insider – Munnerlyn Campus
REQUIRED Senior Portrait Deadline (September 16)
All senior are REQUIRED to sit for a senior picture, through Leonard’s Photography by Monday, September 16. If you have any questions, please consult page 3 of the senior letter (linked below). Thank you! Class of 2025 Senior Yearbook Info
Read MorePA Meeting – Coffee Chat with Rev. Greene (September 20)
Please join the Parents Association in partnership with FANS, Boosters, and the Dads’ Club in welcoming Reverend Greene at the PA meeting on Friday, September 20. Reverend Greene will be providing a Coffee Chat on the state of the school. The Coffee Chat begins at 8:15 a.m. in Harden Hall (the dining hall located in…
Read MoreBoosters Meeting (September 6)
Boosters is proud to support and celebrate Episcopal athletics and coaches while promoting parent involvement in support of the entire athletic department. Come join us for a meeting and see how you can get involved in supporting your athlete. As an Episcopal parent, you are automatically a member of every parent organization, including Boosters! If…
Read MorePSAT – Grades 8-11 (October 16)
Our 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will take the CollegeBoard digital administration of the PSAT on Wednesday, October 16. Students completed a device survey in Advisory this week to help us identify students who can test on their own device. CollegeBoard’s “Bluebook” software does not run on individually owned Chromebooks. Students who are…
Read MoreDance Ensemble Parent Meeting (September 12)
Dance Ensemble parents are invited to attend the Dance Ensemble Parent Meeting in the Sikes Theatre on Thursday, September 12. from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Please contact Dawn Maldonado, Dance Director, with any questions at [email protected].
Read MoreHow to Apply for Siblings for the 2025-2026 School Year
Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are open and now is the time to apply for siblings at all ESJ campuses! Episcopal families interested in a sibling applying to the Beaches Campus (Grades Pre-K 3 – 5), St. Mark’s Campus (Age 1 – Grade 5) or Munnerlyn Campus (Grades 6 – 12) should follow the…
Read MoreMaking College Affordable – Parent-Ed Webinar (September 10)
Episcopal School of Jacksonville encourages parents of 9th, 10th, and 11th graders to attend a critical and timely webinar: What Every Parent Needs to Know Now about Paying Less for College Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 7:00 PM (Eastern) If you are within 4 years of sending a child to college, now is the time to…
Read MoreESJ Chapel and Cathedral Day (September 11)
Dear Parents and Students, One of the important annual events on the school calendar is the Holy Eucharist at St. John’s Cathedral. Episcopal School of Jacksonville began in 1966 as a result of the vision and persistence of the Dean, Vestry, and people of the Cathedral. We celebrate our historic link with the Cathedral in…
Read MoreObserving Reserved Parking Spaces on Campus
On the Munnerlyn Campus, certain parking spaces are reserved for various reasons such as special accessibility, visitors to campus, and awarded spots. In these cases, the spaces will be clearly marked as ‘RESERVED’, and/or blocked off using cones. We ask that all members of the Episcopal community help maintain a considerate and respectful environment by…
Read MoreFall Portraits (Grades 6 Through 11)
Student pictures (for grades 6 through 11) will be taken on Tuesday, September 3, in the Semmes Gym. All details can be found in the attached document. Please make sure your student(s) is/are in Chapel attire, especially since the pictures are taking place after a long weekend. Thank you!
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