Insider – Munnerlyn Campus
Gently Used Clothing Donation Drive, Sponsored by ESJ Fashion Club (Sep. 30 – Oct. 11)
Episcopal Community, My name is Julia Barrow. I am a senior as well as the President of the Fashion Club. This year, we have been selected as the official Partner Club and we are currently hosting our first school-wide event. From September 30 to October 11, the Fashion Club will be collecting gently loved clothing,…
Read MorePSAT (October 16)
PSAT testing for grades 8-11 will be administered on Wednesday, October 16. Standard testing will be 8:05 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Students should arrive at their designated testing location, which will be shared by Advisors no later than 8:00 a.m. Students approved for testing with accommodations by College Board will have communication directly from Student…
Read MoreCollege Counseling Drop-In Application Clinic (October 16)
College Counseling is hosting another drop-in application clinic in the College Counseling / Towers House for seniors to work on their applications with the help of their College Counseling team (and snacks)! Wednesday, October 16 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (PSAT day) Whether your student is knee-deep in their application process or just getting…
Read MoreWinter Sport Tryout Dates
Click here for tryout date information.
Read MoreESJ Spirit Wear Event (September 25)
Attention students and parents! Spirit Wear Only (Free Event) will be held on the Kirwan Flag Plaza on late start Wednesday, September 25, starting at 8:45 a.m. Available while items last! Please text Chair, Heather Douglas, at 904-588-4600 with any questions, or if you can volunteer on event days setting up/working the event.
Read More2024 Freshman Orientation Adventure (9GOA) Photos Posted Online
Ninth graders and Upper School counselors are still talking about the fun and challenges of the Freshman Orientation Adventure (9GOA). The campers are grateful for the caring and wise counselors, the great food, the connections with nature, and the incredible singing at the campfires. The killer rapids on the Chattooga River, the 5-mile hike, Bob…
Read MoreFine Arts Preferred Seating Tickets are Now Available
Fine Arts Preferred Seating (FAPS) tickets are now available for purchase! FAPS is designed to give Fine Arts supporters preferred seating at ticketed Munnerlyn Campus performances, such as the Upper and Middle School plays and musicals, and the choral, band, and dance concerts. Purchasing FAPS tickets also allows for patrons to make a restricted gift…
Read MoreParent Panel Discussion – The Anxious Generation: Supporting Young People in Our Digital Age
Episcopal parents of students in all grades are invited to attend a panel discussion on The Anxious Generation: Supporting Young People in Our Digital Age, addressing the impacts of mental health issues, pressure, and technology on today’s youth and exploring how parents and the school community can respond. Submit a question for the panel > The…
Read MoreLast Call – RSVP by 9/15 for 9/18 Dads’ Club Jumbo Shrimp Night (Families Welcome)
Last call for a great night in the Sky Deck, exclusively reserved for our group behind home plate. Dads (and their families) are welcome. The price is $50 per person and includes admission to the game, unlimited buffet, soda and water, and premier seating in our area. Please Venmo Kevin Davidsen at @kevin-davidsen by September 15 and include…
Read MoreSummer Mission Trip Applications Now Open!
All current 9-11th grade students! Interested in adventure and doing good for the world? Consider coming to the LA Mission Trip this summer! We will work with children in low income neighborhoods, serve meals to the urban homeless, and also experience the beauty that is LA, through hiking, biking and more! We are accepting 10…
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