Dance Ensemble Auditions for 2021-2022 – Munnerlyn Campus

Dance Ensemble Auditions for the 2021-2022 school year are scheduled for after school on August 16 (Upper School, Male, and Tap Ensembles) and August 17 (Middle School Ensembles). Rehearsals are between 1-3 hours after school a week (with some exceptions). Season runs August-February. Styles include: Hip-Hop, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Tap, Contemporary, and more. To get…

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Discipline and Honor Council Application for 2020-2021

Is your child a rising 10th, 11th, or 12th grader? Would they be interested in applying to be part of ESJ’s Discipline and Honor Councils? If so, please have your child stop by the Welcome Center and pick up an application. All applications are due back to the Deans and Welcome Center no later than…

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Sailing Program Open House

There will be an open house for the Sailing Program on Saturday, August 23, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Florida Yacht Club. It is open to anyone in 6th-12th grade who wants to come and try sailing to see if they want to participate in the fall program. For more information contact…

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Robotics Camp July 27 – 31

Robots are everywhere, and knowing how they work is fun and important to a 21st Century education and developing STEM literacy. Over the course of one week, students will advance from the basics of what makes a robot a robot with hands-on bristle-bot building to constructing and programming fully functional robots with minds of their…

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Parent Meet and Greet Sessions – Rescheduled for February

Dear Parents,  Thank you for your continued support and your interest in attending the 6th through 9th grade Parent Meet and Greet events that were scheduled this past month. While postponing the events was a necessary precaution, we are excited to again offer parents an opportunity to come on campus, meet new parents, and enhance…

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Textbook Pre-order and/or Supply Pick-up Only

Dear Parents and Students, All book and supply orders must be picked up by August 6th, to help accommodate this effort we are opening up windows of opportunity with no appointment needed for you to come get your books. Here is important information about this: 8am – 12pm – July 27, 28, 29 and August…

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Lenten Holy Eucharists

Our Lenten Holy Eucharists continue on Fridays beginning at 7:45 a.m. in the Davis Chapel in the Munnerlyn. As a spiritual discipline during the season of Lent, we gather together for communion as we focus on our relationship with God and others. We have one remaining on April 12. Students, faculty, staff, and parents are…

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