No Vehicular Traffic on Live Oak Lane

Students and parents should not enter or exit campus using Live Oak Lane. Please use St. Elmo Drive to access the Middle School and Baseball/Softball. Vehicles leaving the Baseball/Softball parking lot should turn right from the parking lot and left on St. Elmo.

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Underclass Retakes/Organization Pictures (October 26)

2021-2022 school year (individual) student picture retakes will be taken Tuesday, October 26, in the Semmes Gym Lobby. Organization pictures will be taken on the outside Semmes Gym steps. Students will wear current chapel attire; male students do not have to wear a jacket or tie. Click here for specific details outlining this process. All…

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Community Education Evenings (October 20-21)

Individuals can register for any of the sessions below by responding to the survey linked here. This link will remain open until 12:00 p.m. next Wednesday, October 13, and is limited to the first 15 to register for each of the following sessions.  Once registration is closed, we will follow up with an email to…

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Volunteers Needed for NFSSE Fall Festival (October 29)

We are excited to welcome our friends from North Florida School of Special Education back to the Munnerlyn Campus this year on Friday, October 29, for our Fall Festival! The event will include games, arts and crafts, treats, and other festivities, all planned by our Community Service Council for our friends with special needs. We…

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Special Treat for Parents October 12 During Drop-off

Courtesy of The Episcopal Fund committee and Daily’s, parents on Munnerlyn and Beaches Campuses will enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee on Tuesday, October 12, during morning drop-off. Parents on St. Mark’s Campus can also expect a fun, special treat! Thank you to those who have given to The Episcopal Fund parent campaign. If you…

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Soles4Souls Shoe Drive

Join us in taking part in the Soles4Souls shoe drive, now through October 8, 2021. Donating shoes provides meaningful opportunities and protects the environment by keeping used shoes out of landfills. Donate them to Soles4Souls, instead!  Donations can be dropped off on Munnerlyn Campus in the plastic bins at Upper and Middle School drop offs. …

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Parent Book Study Tuesday (October 5) – Munnerlyn Campus

Parent Book Study groups will meet next on Tuesday, October 5. We will be discussing Chapter 3: Under the Microscope and Chapter 4: Learning from The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults by Frances E. Jensen and Amy Ellis Nutt. In-Person Parent Book Study will meet from 8:30-9:30 am…

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Giving Priorities Include Technology Infrastructure and Instruction

Staying on the forefront of technology is a goal for Episcopal this year. Both broadly (in terms of campus infrastructure) and specifically (being known and recognized for technology instruction), our commitment to appropriate use of technology requires careful curation and thought leadership and includes a significant financial investment on the part of the school. To…

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