Suicide Prevention Month Prayer Service (September 28)

On Wednesday, September 28, at 8:50 a.m., all faculty, staff, and students are invited to a prayer service for Suicide Prevention Month at the Barnett Memorial Garden. The garden is located on Munnerlyn Campus between the Munnerlyn Center and the River Field. This service will emphasize the importance of lifting up people in prayer who…

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Fine Arts Preferred Seating – Purchase Now!

Fine Arts Preferred Seating is designed to give supporters guaranteed seating at ticketed Munnerlyn Campus performances while also allowing them to make a restricted gift to the Fine Arts Department. Each Preferred Seating registration allows the purchaser to reserve one preferred seat at three total performances of eligible productions during the 2022-2023 school year. We…

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The Episcopal Fund Parent Campaign – Donate Today

The Episcopal Fund Parent Campaign is off and running. The parent campaign runs from Monday, September 12 – Friday, October 21. The quality of the Episcopal experience is a result of previous gifts, and your gifts ensure Episcopal’s quality for tomorrow. We hope we can count on your support this year to reach 100% parent…

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PA Sponsored Uniform Exchange – Week of September 12-16

The Parents’ Association is hosting a UNIFORM EXCHANGE for the week of September 12-16. It’s time to shop for FREE! Parents and students are welcome to browse items in the lobby of the Buck Student Center. The doors will be open from 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Please take only what you need. Please contact Melissa…

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SAGE Lunch Menu Update and Parent Reminder

Parents,  Lunch menu offerings were briefly adjusted this week to allow for repairs on the cafeteria’s refrigerator and freezer. Even with the temporary menu changes, SAGE continued to offer a variety of options for our students. Repairs are now complete, and you may use the information displayed on the SAGE daily menu to see upcoming…

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Coffee and Q&A with The Rev. Adam Greene (August 25)

Greetings Episcopal Parents, Welcome back to a new and exciting school year at Episcopal! On behalf of the Parents’ Association, Boosters, and FANS parent groups, you are invited to join us for a “Coffee Chat” with The Rev. Adam Greene. All parents are welcome to meet in the Buck Student Center on Thursday, August 25,…

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Upper School Musical “Big Fish School Edition” Auditions

All Upper School students are invited to audition for this year’s Upper School Musical “Big Fish School Edition,” directed by Mr. Jono Hustis. Auditions will be held after school on August 17, 18, and 19 in the Munnerlyn Center. Students will need to attend all three audition dates. Performance dates will be November 10-12. In…

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Boosters – First Meeting (September 2)

As an Episcopal parent, you’re automatically a member of the Boosters at ESJ! While the Boosters group does not fundraise, we do support our student athletes and coaches. Attending Boosters meetings is also a great way to meet other parents and get involved in the Episcopal community. Please join us for Boosters meetings on the…

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Do you want to be a part of Middle School Student Government?

The job of ESJ Student Government is to enhance the Episcopal experience by creating lasting memories and traditions. We do this by organizing and executing events for Middle School students and the entire ESJ community. Join Mrs. Henson and Coach McCoy on Tuesday, August 16, during Activity period in the Sikes Theatre for a Student…

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