Posts by Brandon Westerman
PSAT – Grades 8-11 (October 16)
Our 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will take the CollegeBoard digital administration of the PSAT on Wednesday, October 16. Students completed a device survey in Advisory this week to help us identify students who can test on their own device. CollegeBoard’s “Bluebook” software does not run on individually owned Chromebooks. Students who are…
Read MoreCollege Counseling Drop-In Application Clinic (October 16)
College Counseling is hosting another drop-in application clinic in the College Counseling / Towers House for seniors to work on their applications with the help of their College Counseling team (and snacks)! Wednesday, October 16 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (PSAT day) Whether your student is knee-deep in their application process or just getting…
Read MoreParent Panel Discussion – The Anxious Generation: Supporting Young People in Our Digital Age
Episcopal parents of students in all grades are invited to attend a panel discussion on The Anxious Generation: Supporting Young People in Our Digital Age, addressing the impacts of mental health issues, pressure, and technology on today’s youth and exploring how parents and the school community can respond. Submit a question for the panel > The…
Read MoreDance Ensemble Parent Meeting (September 12)
Dance Ensemble parents are invited to attend the Dance Ensemble Parent Meeting in the Sikes Theatre on Thursday, September 12. from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Please contact Dawn Maldonado, Dance Director, with any questions at [email protected].
Read MoreBash Kickoff Meeting is Monday Morning (October 14)
All parents are invited to attend the Bash Kickoff meeting at the Walton Boathouse (6757 Atlantic Blvd.) on Monday October 14. Feel free to come to the Boathouse after drop-off. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. Come see the beautiful location and learn about the many opportunities available on the Bash Committee. This is…
Read MoreESJ Chapel and Cathedral Day (September 11)
Dear Parents and Students, One of the important annual events on the school calendar is the Holy Eucharist at St. John’s Cathedral. Episcopal School of Jacksonville began in 1966 as a result of the vision and persistence of the Dean, Vestry, and people of the Cathedral. We celebrate our historic link with the Cathedral in…
Read MoreObserving Reserved Parking Spaces on Campus
On the Munnerlyn Campus, certain parking spaces are reserved for various reasons such as special accessibility, visitors to campus, and awarded spots. In these cases, the spaces will be clearly marked as ‘RESERVED’, and/or blocked off using cones. We ask that all members of the Episcopal community help maintain a considerate and respectful environment by…
Read MoreMaking College Affordable – Parent-Ed Webinar (September 10)
Episcopal School of Jacksonville encourages parents of 9th, 10th, and 11th graders to attend a critical and timely webinar: What Every Parent Needs to Know Now about Paying Less for College Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 7:00 PM (Eastern) If you are within 4 years of sending a child to college, now is the time to…
Read MoreFall Portraits (Grades 6 Through 11)
Student pictures (for grades 6 through 11) will be taken on Tuesday, September 3, in the Semmes Gym. All details can be found in the attached document. Please make sure your student(s) is/are in Chapel attire, especially since the pictures are taking place after a long weekend. Thank you!
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