How to Apply: The Admission Checklist
The admission application for the 2025-2026 school year is now open.
Munnerlyn Campus
Beaches Campus
St. Mark's Campus
Admission and Enrollment Policies
- Episcopal seeks to enroll exceptional students who can contribute their gifts and talents to our community and who desire to become their best selves while participating in our rigorous academic program.
- In accordance with the resolutions of the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, Episcopal does not accept religious exemptions for vaccinations.
- Admission and Financial Aid are separate processes. Application for financial aid in no way affects the decision for admission. Click here for more information about financial aid.
- In case of separate households, a student must be enrolled under one of the options in ESJ's Enrollment Policy for Separate Households.
- Members of the Episcopal community are held to respect the dignity of each student, faculty, and staff member regardless of personal beliefs. Episcopal School of Jacksonville does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national origin, or any other basis protected by applicable law.
- Enrollment is contingent upon successful completion of the current school year.
Admission and Enrollment FAQ
How do I know when my child’s application is complete?
You can check the status of your child’s application by logging into the admission portal and clicking on Manage Application. The application is considered complete when every required checklist item has a green checkmark next to it.
What admission decisions does Episcopal offer?
Decision options include:
- Accept - The student is offered a space at ESJ that the family may accept or decline by the stated deadline.
- Regret - The Admission Committee is not able to offer a space to the student.
- Waitlist - Due to space limitations in particular grade levels, the student is waitlisted and may be offered a space if one becomes available.
- Defer - The Admission Committee requires additional information before making a final determination. In many cases, the committee requests updated grades or a final report card from the current school year. Please note that space is not guaranteed when a deferral decision is made.
Does my child need to take a prep class for the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE)?
Episcopal does not recommend extensive preparation for the ISEE. This assessment provides a reliable snapshot of a student’s current academic performance and is predictive of future success. We recommend that students get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast on the day of the test.
If your child receives accommodations in school, we recommend that they take the ISEE with those accommodations. Please note that requesting testing accommodations from ISEE can take four to six weeks to process, so we encourage you to begin the registration process early. For submission details, please contact ISEE directly.
Does Episcopal offer sibling discounts?
An Episcopal education is an investment in your child’s future. The Board of Trustees works diligently to keep tuition as affordable as possible while maintaining exceptional programming and opportunities across all four pillars at Episcopal. As a result, tuition rates remain the same for all students, and there is no sibling discount.
Can incoming students reclass at Episcopal?
In some cases, reclassing may be beneficial for a student, and Episcopal is open to discussing this option with applicants. Our admission team will conduct a thorough review of the reasons for reclassing and assess its feasibility at ESJ. Families should be aware that for students in grades six through twelve, reclassing may impact athletic eligibility per the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) standards.
Does Episcopal offer accommodations for students with diagnosed learning differences?
Yes, Episcopal accommodates students with learning differences and disabilities in accordance with federal and local law. However, your child may not receive the types of accommodations or related services that your child may be entitled to receive at a public school as public schools have different obligations under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The IDEA does not apply to private schools. The Admission & Enrollment team and the Student Services team are happy to have a conversation with you about the accommodations that your child may need and receive at our school.
2024-2025 Admission Timeline
Application Deadline
Admission Decision Notifications
Enrollment Deadline