Reminder: Track Community Service Hours with Helper Helper
Welcome back Class of 2019!
I am so excited for a fun-filled year of community service. I coordinate the Community Service Office and will help you to find meaningful service opportunities.
My new office is located in the back of the Munnerlyn Center across from the dressing rooms. Come by and see me anytime! I am always happy to talk about service and what ideas you have. For example -- last year, students had the idea to serve breakfast to all students that had completed the minimum number of hours to graduate (at least 75 hours of community service with a choice of up to 25 school service hours for a total of 100 hours to graduate).
Please remember to log any past volunteer events you completed during the summer into Helper Helper and don't forget to write your commitment reflection. Seniors must have hours approved in Helper Helper by Mid-Quarter 1, Thursday, September 13, in order to have hours uploaded on to transcripts and sent to colleges in October. Also, please remember that at the end of the Quarter 3, if you have not completed the minimum hours to graduate, you will not have senior privileges. Please drop by or send me an email with your ideas, or come join the Community Service Council. I look forward to hearing about your summer volunteering!
Please note: your Helper Helper username is your school email address and your Helper Helper password is your new Episcopal password.
Ms. Van Cleve Miller