A Farewell

Bailey Schram ’19, Jacob Sessions ’18, Julia Sessions’18 and Sara Himebauch ’18

And just like that, it’s over.

You might have been able to sense something in the air, intangible but so noticeable at the same time. Something might have felt off to you, reader. These feelings you are having are completely normal and make sense. Your animal instincts have been kicking in to let your conscious mind know that something big is about to happen. But, what is this “something” that has had you on edge for the past several days, that has inexplicably kept you up at night and led to anxiety? We are here to tell you that this article you are enthusiastically and voraciously reading right now is that “something”. This is the last Website Journalism article ever – and with those words, we know we have just sent our loyal fans into despair and heartbreak.

But, do not fret just yet! While our footprint in this class comes to a close, our spirits live on in forthcoming Episcopal magazine articles to be published soon. And still, this not the end. We live on in our roles as co-founders and co-presidents of the highly esteemed Pollution Patrol, where preserving Episcopal’s campus from the ravenous villain, “Litter Bug,” is our top priority. We assume our positions with poise and dignity and vow to never let the students or faculty down. We will stop him, whatever the cost.

But back to your, and our, gloom and sadness that this indeed is: the last article. It has been quite a ride I tell you, and without the weekly articles, who knows how you will pass the time? We will surely have many more hours of free time that used to be spent slaving away over writing these articles you all so thoroughly enjoyed. So from our class to your hearts, a final farewell is said. Goodbye loyal and active readers, we will miss you dearly.