Noon Dismissal Instructions (February 21)
Friday, February 21 is professional development for all faculty and staff. School will close at noon, and there is no Eagle Afternoon Program this day.
ELP 1 & 2
- Retrieve students from classrooms.
- ELP 1 – 11:30 a.m. dismissal. Please note the earlier time to assist with traffic congestion.
- ELP 2 – 11:45 a.m. dismissal.
- Please do not park within the Little Loop carpool area.
Pre-K 3 & 4
- Pre-K families without older siblings must use the Little Loop carpool area.
- Do not park and exit your vehicle.
Families with Children in Multiple Grades
- If you have a child in ELP and Pre-K, park and pick up your Pre-K child from the ELP deck by the Dempsey Chapel door, and then pick up your ELP children from their classroom.
- If you have a child in ELP and K-5, park and pick up ELP children from their classroom first, and then proceed to Main Carpool.
- If you have a child in Pre-K and K-5, proceed to Main Carpool.