2017-2018 Fine Arts Theme: "Finding Your Way Home"
by Katie Black, Interim Director of Fine Arts
Themes are good. They can ground us, serve to focus our attention, and draw seemingly disperse groups of people together. For years in the Fine Arts, under the direction of Sally Maguire Deming, we have centered ourselves around a theme that we can all sink our teeth into and that can make its way into our thinking, our teaching, and our artwork. Such is the case this year as we embrace our theme, “Finding Your Way Home.”
Dorothy, the hero of our upcoming musical story in The Wiz, is trying to do just that in a very literal way. But along the path, she meets the very characters that embody the idea of home to her. Her home is the people who love her.
Many of our faculty members in the fine arts this year have found their way back home to our campus. Taylor Lee Horne, our former Middle School Theatre Director and our new Upper School Theatre Director and Performing Arts Department Chair, comes back to us after three years of being home with her family. Tess Sturgeon, an alumnus who danced her heart out on our stage as a student, returns as a dance instructor, sharing her wisdom and passion with the next generation. Greg Hersey, a long-time friend and music adjunct, joins our team and makes himself at home in the band room as our new Director of Instrumental Music.
Watch for the way that this theme threads through the arts and thus the campus this year, as we embrace the fact that this place we love can truly be a home to all of us if we do indeed embrace our Chapel theme this year and Respect The Dignity of Every Human Being.