
“Facts vs Fear: Empowering Children to be Safe, not Scared” Parent Education Event

On Wednesday, November 15, parents and grandparents attended a Parent Education Event that spotlighted a topic of immense significance for educators and parents alike. Shannon Miller, Dina Middlekauff, and Katherine Nott ‘90 led a panel discussion on the Monique Burr Child Safety Matters Program—a curriculum extended to kindergarten through fifth grade students in an age-appropriate manner. 


Shannon Miller is an ESJ parent and two-time Olympic gymnast who co-chaired the committee that developed the MBF abuse prevention education program for youth athletes. With graduate degrees in clinical social work and Christian education, Katherine Nott ‘90 facilitates the child safety education program on the St. Mark’s Campus. Dina Middlekauff, an experienced educator who is currently teaching 2nd grade, leads this curriculum in her classroom, understanding the importance of the teacher/student relationship.


During the panel discussion, parents learned safety terminology already familiar to ESJ students, creating a collaboration between the school and parents to ensure children’s safety in the physical, mental, and digital realms.


The Monique Burr Child Safety Matters program emphasizes five key safety rules:


  1. Know What’s Up   


  1. Spot Red Flags


  1. Make a Move


  1. Talk It Up


  1. No Blame, No Shame


As a united front of educators and parents, ESJ actively shapes positive communication around difficult topics and ensures a nurturing environment for students.