New Math Program for the 2022-2023 School Year
We are pleased to announce that we will begin implementation of the Singapore Math program, Dimensions, at the start of next school year. As part of our curriculum alignment process, this decision was made between both ESJ lower school campuses and in consultation with the middle/upper school campus.
In making this decision, our priorities included, but were not limited to, student-centered learning, an understanding of number sense, access to practical, meaningful resources, students’ ability to apply skills and problem-solve, and solid fact fluency.
Dimensions, and Singapore Math in general, is well-established, and the program provides the scope and sequence we are seeking to challenge our students and provide a solid foundation in the area of mathematics.
We will begin implementation incrementally. Next school year, Pre-K 4, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 will begin the Dimensions program. Grade 2 may also begin next school year, but this will be determined in the coming months.
In preparation for the new math program, we are mapping out the timeline for professional development and collaboration. We will also present a parent education component at the start of the new school year.
A special thanks to our math committee representatives, Denise Cinnamond and Christy Maurer, for dedicating a great deal of time and expertise to this process, and to all of the faculty members for their thoughtful input!