Parent Book Study meets Tuesday, April 13

Almost done! Parent Book Study will meet next Tuesday, April 13, to discuss the last two chapters 24 – Six Experiences That Enable Young People to Mature and 25 – Changing Our Ways from Generation Z Unfiltered: Facing Nine Hidden Challenges of the Most Anxious Population by Tim Elmore and Andrew McPeak. Feel free to come right after drop off or between 8-8:30 am, and we will officially meet from 8:30-9:30 am.

Virtual Parent Book Study will take place on the same date and time over Zoom. If you are interested in being part of the virtual Parent Book Study on Tuesday, March 30, please contact Carolyn Brown P’25 at [email protected] or #415-812-7447 for the Zoom link.

The In-person Parent Book Study will continue meeting at St. John’s Cathedral, 256 Church St. E, 32202. We will meet outside in Burwell Court, weather permitting, with a back up plan of Ingram Lounge, a spacious room inside. Please let Beth know if you are planning to attend so that we can set up the space.

We will meet for a final time on Tuesday, April 27, to wrap up for the school year and talk a little about next school year. Please contact Beth Collins Himes P’21, P’25 if you have questions or to be added to our group email at [email protected] or #404-918-0949.