New Deans of Students Announced

Dear Parents,

Episcopal is excited to announce the realignment of the Student Life team with the appointment of three new Deans of Students.

John Dwyer will begin duties as a Dean of Students next Monday, March 2. He replaces David Hess who was appointed Director of Campus Operations and Logistics in January.

Jono Hustis and Tracy Jester will begin their duties as Deans of Students at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year in August.

Next school year, the Deans will continue with teaching responsibilities and also assume the duties currently performed by our Directors of Honor Education. Our Student Life Office will consist of the following:

Christy Hodges, Dean of Student Life
John Dwyer, Dean of Students
Jono Hustis, Dean of Students
Tracy Jester, Dean of Students
Philippa Marks, Dean of Students

Please join me in congratulating our new Deans as we bring Honor and Discipline together to better serve our students and community.

With Gratitude,

Keesy Goebertus
Assistant Head of School
Head of Upper School