
Upper School Awards Presented May 2

Upper School academic awards were presented on Thursday, May 2. Recognitions included academic department awards, Presidential awards (GPA 3.5 and higher), and College Book Awards, as well as the Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award and Rensselaer Medal.

US Academic Course Awards List: May 2 US Academic Awards

Presidential Award Upper School 2019

College Book Awards

Dartmouth College: Charlotte Rosenberg

Duke University: Ashton Body

Princeton University: Anders Amlie

Stanford University: Elizabeth Riggs

University of the South: Justin Aho

University of Virginia: Elizabeth Conklin

Washington & Lee University: Alexander Hays

Wellesley College: Brooke Begley

Yale Alumni Association: Madison Clark

Special Awards

Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award: Ashton Body

Rensselaer Medal: Anders Amlie