The Timothy Award Given to Marion Zeiner
Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. (1Tim 6:20a)
This year’s Timothy Award was given to Marion Zeiner. Marion has taught at Episcopal for more than 30 years. She is Director of Scientific Research and teaches chemistry. She also leads the school’s ninth grade orientation adventure, 9GOA, to Unicoi State Park in Georgia, and has for more than 30 years. Her nominations read:
“Marion Zeiner is an example of faith and service in all that she does. She is incredible in the classroom, and is described by colleagues as unselfish, humble, and kind hearted. She has given so much to this community, and she is a role model of Christian servant leadership.”
“Marion gives countless hours to helping create a life-changing experience for ALL students at 9GOA. The budding scientists who take her science seminar learn to think and solve problems, not only preparing them for college but preparing them for life and successful careers.”
“She is a scientist, a chemistry teacher, and a person with a strong faith in Jesus Christ. Whenever asked, she participates in chapel with interactive experiments, challenges and ideas.”
These examples merely scratch the surface of Marion’s deep and abiding love of God and a passion for serving others
Marion and her husband, Bob, are parents of Dusty Zeiner ’03, Tiffany Pettibone Davis ’98, Sally Zeiner, and Abby Zeiner McKay. They have 10 grandchildren, including Anna Chrestensen, who graduated from Episcopal in 2012. Marion is a 1995 recipient of the Davis Award for Excellence in Teaching as well.
The Timothy Award is presented in loving memory of T.S. Roberts, Jr. and given by his family. The Timothy Award is presented annually to faculty member who exemplifies the ideal of Christian service to students and to the community. This award recognizes the service of the individual and the importance of a vital Christian faith in the daily life of Episcopal School of Jacksonville.