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Beaches Campus Classroom Expansion Campaign Kicks Off

The Beaches Campus kicked off the Beaches Campus Classroom Expansion Campaign this week with two events for parents. On May 3 and May 7, parents gathered to hear from The Rev. Adam Greene and Mrs. Jennifer Ketchum about the exciting new addition to the campus – a new, eight classroom building that will meet the growing needs of the campus, offering state-of-the-art facilities for both students and faculty. 

“This new two-story building will enable us to deliver on our strategic enrollment goals and also allow for expanded greenspace, additional patio space for outdoor lunch seating, and updated restrooms at McCormick Hall,” said Jennifer Ketchum, Head of Lower School, Beaches Campus. “Just as others before us have provided our campus with our current spaces through their support, we appreciate your generosity in helping us complete this project.”

The Beaches Campus expresses gratitude to campaign committee members Ashley and Vince Bagni ’93, Jessica and Kevin Waugaman ’94, and Maria and Chris Riley for their contributions. 

To learn more about the Beaches Campus Classroom Expansion Campaign visit esj.org/bcce.