Spanish Exchange Accepting Applications Through December 4
The Spanish Exchange Program is now accepting applications to travel to Zaragoza, Spain, June 6-20, 2024 for students in grades 9-11. Completed applications and a $1,500 deposit are due December 4; make checks payable to Episcopal School of Jacksonville.
Mrs. Nitza Plaski and Mrs. Cristi Skeels, ESJ teachers, will be the trip leaders for the program in Spain. We will stay in Zaragoza with host families from Colegio Inglés for 10 days. Afterwards, we will spend two nights in Barcelona and then return to Florida. In turn, ESJ students and families will host Spanish exchange students in Jacksonville in March/April of 2025. Since it is an Exchange program, priority will be given to students and families who will both host and travel in the 2024-2025 cycle. There are spaces for 20 students in grades 9-11, ages 14-17; they will be matched with students in the same gender and age range with similar interests.
If you are interested in participating in the new 2024-2025 cycle, please read the 2024 Spanish Exchange Invitation letter and complete the 2024-2025 Application package and the 2024 Teacher Recommendation forms.
For all inquiries, please reach out to the Spanish Exchange Coordinator, Mrs. Nitza Plaski, at [email protected] or stop by WL-5.