How Episcopal Communicates
Ensuring our parents are well informed is a key component of the Episcopal experience. Read below for information about the ways ESJ communicates with parents.
My ESJ is Episcopal’s password-protected portal where the school stores and communicates information intended only for current Episcopal parents, students, faculty, and staff. On the My ESJ Parent Portal, you have access to many resources including your child’s classes and reports, their daily schedule, key dates and school calendars, directories, the Billing Portal used for paying statements, and more.
Parents also have access to Class Pages on My ESJ. This is where Upper and Middle School parents can track homework assignments and messages from teachers, and Lower School parents can access information from Homeroom teachers.
If you have trouble logging into My ESJ, first try resetting your password. If you need further assistance, contact [email protected].
General School Emails
The majority of school communication will come in the form of direct emails from teachers, advisors, deans, coaches, and administration. If you are not receiving any email communications, please confirm your contact information in the Parent Portal by logging into My ESJ and clicking “Update my Profile”.
SMS Text Message Alerts
In the event of a weather-related closing, delayed opening, or other emergency, Episcopal utilizes an automated rapid alert system to send text and email notifications to our community. In order to receive text updates, please ensure your cell phone number is included in your My ESJ Profile. (To view and update your profile, go to the My ESJ Parent Portal and select “Update my Profile”.)
Episcopal Insider (Weekly)
The Episcopal Insider email is sent weekly on Friday mornings to current Episcopal parents. This email is the primary source for upcoming event information, important dates, reminders, and ways to get involved. It is very important families read the Insider each week to remain in the loop.
Community E-News (Weekly)
This weekly email is distributed on Wednesdays to the greater Episcopal community (current and former families, friends of ESJ, etc.). It includes photos and highlights from all campuses, celebrates student accomplishments, notes upcoming events, and recognizes supporters of ESJ.
Dean’s Details (Weekly) Munnerlyn Campus Only
The Dean’s Details provides Middle and Upper School students with information related to the coming week on the Munnerlyn Campus by division, including rotation and schedule information, student group information, special dress days, and grade-level assembly information. It is emailed to students and parents over the weekend, prior to the coming week.
Social Media
Our social media pages are a great way to keep up with what’s happening on campus. Follow us today:
- Facebook – ESJ
- Facebook – Beaches Campus
- Facebook – St. Mark’s Campus
- Instagram – ESJ
- Instagram – Beaches Campus
- Instagram – St. Mark’s Campus
Visit Episcopal’s SmugMug site for pictures from on-campus events, athletics matches, fine arts performances, and more at esj.smugmug.com.
The Magazine of Episcopal
The Magazine of Episcopal includes feature stories, recaps of campus activities, sports round-ups, and alumni news. You’ll receive one via mail in the summer and winter.
If you are not receiving communications or have questions regarding any of the topics above, please contact Brandon Westerman, Director of Communications, at [email protected].