Record Attendance for Parents’ Night Out
The St. Mark’s Campus Parents’ Association (PA), led by Courtney McCormick, Chair, and Hannah Williford, Co-Chair, hosted a Parents’ Night Out event following a campus-wide Open House on Thursday, August 24. With record-breaking attendance, the annual event provided parents the opportunity to mingle and sign up to volunteer for the coming school year.
“This causal, child-free environment is a unique opportunity for parents to relax and get to know each other,” said Susan Kwartler, Director of Development, St. Mark’s Campus. “I was blown away by the amount of interest parents indicated for upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. The positive energy on campus was palpable!”
All parents are members of the PA on the St. Mark’s Campus. For more information on the PA and to stay up-to-date on volunteer opportunities, follow esj.stmarks.pa on Instagram. Click here to view Parents’ Night Out photos.