Chapel Guidelines

We are delighted that many of you are able to join us for Chapel each week!  In order to help us create a smooth and positive experience for the students that is in line with the Episcopalian church etiquette, please review the guidelines below:


  • Please enter quietly.
  • Please leave beverages at the door.
  • Please sit with your child’s class.  If you have more than one child, choose a class to sit with, and if you would like, have the sibling(s) join you with your selected class (please do not pull students to sit in the back).
  • Encourage students to participate in the service by following the chapel booklet.
  • Please do not use your cell phone for texting, calls, or other applications during the service.
  • Refrain from clapping after students read Scripture or say prayers.
  • At the end of the service, please leave the chapel booklets on the aisle side of the pew, where they will be collected by the fifth grade students.
  • When exiting the church, join us in singing “Go Now in Peace.”
  • Say goodbye to your child(ren) right outside of the church; teachers will gather students outside of the church before taking the class across the street and back to the school.


Thank you for partnering with us in all aspects of your child’s education.