Lucy Lee and Lara Duguid Chosen for Davis Awards for Excellence in Teaching
Lucy Lee, Middle and Upper School Chinese language teacher, “epitomizes every characteristic of the Davis Award, both in and out of the classroom,” according to a colleague. Mrs. Lee consistently puts the students’ needs first via her selfless approach in the classroom, and she also finds new ways to engage students while holding them accountable. She demonstrates a “standard of excellence that makes others want to be a better teacher and a better person,” wrote one colleague. Her “positivity is contagious and makes our community stronger,” said another colleague. Mrs. Lee has worked at Episcopal for 10 years. She teaches Honors and AP Chinese.
Lara Duguid has been named as a favorite teacher by many students because of the depth of learning they experience in her classes. Ms. Duguid teaches Upper School Modern World History, AP World History, and AP European History classes, and is the Director of ESJ’s Global Learning Program. Her students consistently score well on AP exams. Her colleagues note she goes above and beyond the classroom in the care of her students – she knows her students and their individual situations and challenges. Ms. Duguid gives of herself at every opportunity, whether offering sessions on Unconference Conference days, leading lunch and learn sessions, helping with technology, or coaching Middle School girls’ soccer. She has worked at Episcopal for a total of 15 years. Her daughter, Simone, is a member of the Class of 2025. Her daughter Taeya is a graduating senior this year. Lara Duguid is not pictured due to AP exam reading commitments in Kansas City for the College Board.
Established in 1992, the Davis Awards for Excellence in Teaching are presented each year to selected Episcopal School of Jacksonville teachers who personify quality in their teaching and in their influence on student learning; who consistently and unselfishly go above and beyond normal expectations of time, energy and devotion in working with students; who demonstrate the rare ability to motivate students to higher and higher levels of achievement; and who have consistently made use of opportunities for continuing education to improve themselves professionally. This award is intended to inspire all Episcopal teachers to pursue uncompromising excellence and caring in the classroom. To be eligible to receive the Davis Award for Excellence in Teaching, a teacher must have been a member of the faculty for three years and must be returning the following year. At least one award each year must be awarded to a teacher whose primary focus is the Middle School.