Beaches Campus Teacher Leslie Sale Name Timothy Award Recipient
Leslie Sale, Christian Education teacher on the Beaches Campus, is the 2022-2023 recipient of the Timothy Award.
The Timothy Award is presented annually to an Episcopal teacher who exemplifies the ideal of Christian service to students and to the community. The Timothy Award recognizes the service of the individual and the importance of a vital Christian faith in the daily life of Episcopal School of Jacksonville.
Mrs. Sale’s deep and abiding love of God and a passion for serving others is exemplified in all that she does. She is described by her colleagues as unselfish, humble, and kind hearted.
One colleague said, “This teacher is a constant volunteer. If there is a need on campus, she is likely to be the first one to try to help her colleagues and students. She has an uncanny ability to know when something is amiss. It could just be a look on a colleague’s face when seeing her in the courtyard or noticing a student may be having a tough moment. I can hear her each time with her predictable response, ‘How can I help?’ She has spontaneously prayed for us during difficult moments and her presence brings a sense of peace to the environment.”
Another colleague shared, “She shares her love of God every day with her students while she is teaching in the classroom, during Chapel, and outside of the classroom as she moves about the school.”
Mrs. Sale has worked at the Beaches Campus since 2006. The annual recipient of the Timothy Award will receive a check for $2,000 and will also designate another $1,000 gift to go to the charity of his or her choice. This award is presented in loving memory of T.S. Roberts, Jr. and given by his family. Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. (1Tim 6:20a)