Beaches Campus Prepares for New Science and Social Studies Programs
The Beaches Campus will implement new programs for both science and social studies at the start of the 2023-2024 school year. The new science program is SAVVAS Elevate Science. Elevate Science is a phenomena-based, hands-on science curriculum immersing students in the inquiry process. This is science elevated for problem solving and critical thinking. The new social studies program is McGraw Hill Impact Social Studies. Impact is student-centered, grounded in inquiry, and is aimed at developing responsible, active citizens.
“All kindergarten through fifth grade classes have received new science textbooks and complete science kits for investigating and solving big ideas in science. Ms. Johnson will continue giving hands-on experiences through labs, experiments, gardening, and field trips. The new curriculum will guide students in discovery, inquiry, and learning.” said Christy Maurer, Curriculum Coordinator. “Teachers are excited about implementing an updated social studies curriculum in their classrooms next year. Impact Social Studies incorporates the study of history, civics, government, geography, and economics into social studies lessons. Students in the younger grades will become more familiar with the community around them, while older students will study the United States. Teachers and division heads were instrumental in the process of choosing both the science and social studies curriculum.”
As part of the curriculum alignment process, this decision was made between Lower Schools in consultation with Middle and Upper Schools. These new programs provide the scope and sequence the campus is seeking to challenge students and provide a solid foundation.