Students Take Audience “Under the Sea” for Sea Animal Presentations
First graders presented their studies of sea animals for their families and peers this week by transforming the Lori Schiavone Commons into an underwater ocean experience. After selecting a specific sea animal, students researched features, habitats, life cycles, food chains, and interesting facts. They created a script using their facts and illustrated pictures to accompany their information.
“Students shared their expertise through an oral presentation as well as graphic organizers, poetry, nonfiction writing, and art,” said Jessica Michaud, first-grade instructor. “We are proud of the tremendous effort and dedication the children put forth. They truly became experts on their sea animals,” echoed Claire Pulignano, first-grade instructor.
A cross-curricular effort, students worked in the innovation lab with Mrs. Hutchcraft to film a video that was showcased at the presentation. In art with Mrs. Alexander, first graders made seahorse artwork and a beautiful clay jellyfish. In library, they worked with Ms. Draper to select books for research. Other classroom projects included writing clever “house rules,” haikus, and diamante poems about their sea animals. Another highlight of the unit was visiting Marineland last month.