Guardian Award Presented to Cathy Kanaday, Nominated by Mary Cofran ’23
At Senior Honors Convocation on May 19, English teacher Cathy Kanaday was named the 2023 Guardian Award winner. Mrs. Kanaday was nominated by senior Mary Cofran.
In her nomination of Mrs. Kanaday, Mary wrote “Mrs. Kanaday has had many roles in my life in the few years I’ve had the joy of her presence: an advisor, a teacher, a mother, a therapist, and a friend. In each role, she has shown me how to spread love and positivity. Mrs. Kanaday is a nurturing and powerful woman. She is a wonderful role model, strong and loving. In all of her roles, she’s helped me grow as myself, a friend, a student, a writer, and a person.”
Mrs. Kanaday is Chair of the English Department. She has been a faculty member at Episcopal since 2006. She and her husband, Scott Kasierski, are parents of Trish Kasierski ’21 and Thomas Kasierski ’17.
The Guardian Award was established in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. William L. Dahl. Seniors are given the opportunity to write an essay about a faculty member who has been a role model for them during their years at Episcopal and has helped them understand how important these guardians are. The senior who writes the winning nomination receives a $1,500 college scholarship and the Guardian Award recipient also receives a $1,500 cash award.