“Nurturing the Nest” Presentation Highlights Social-Emotional Learning
Katherine Nott ‘90 recently spoke with Pre-K 4 - grade 5 parents about how ESJ, St. Mark’s Campus weaves social emotional learning into daily life on campus. She educated parents about the student mentor program, small group lunches (called Lunch Bunch), and tools teachers are equipped with to teach kindness, patience, peace, and more.
In addition to SEL programming, Katherine talked about brain chemistry and ways to regulate reactions to stress and anxiety. Belly breathing exercises demonstrated by kindergarten and Pre-K 4 students in this video is one technique used to promote calmness.
“After Covid, we started to hear the acronym “SEL (Social-Emotional Learning)” more frequently,” said Katherine. “Social-Emotional Learning is definitely not new to the "nest." The critical importance of the social and emotional development of students at this formative stage has been a key part of our focus in addition to academic, athletic, artistic, and spiritual growth for decades.”
Partnerships between schools and parents are shown to enhance academic performance and promote positive behavior. Katherine encouraged parents to keep an open line of communication with the school, sharing perspectives, and working together.
This presentation was the first in a series of topics Katherine will lead under the “Nurturing the Nest” umbrella.