
Early Learning Program Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day

St. Mark’s Campus’ ELP 1 and ELP 2 students were thrilled to show off their school and classrooms on Thursday, April 6 for ELP Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day. Attendees had the opportunity to participate in music, storytime, movement, or Spanish alongside their littlest loved ones followed by special time on the playground. ELP 2 students performed for the first time on stage, sweetly singing songs and doing hand motions to “Jesus Loves Me”  and “This Little Light of Mine.”


“Time and time again, attendees shared how happy they were to participate in this special morning,”  said Susan Kwartler, Director of Development. “I am grateful to CeeCee Cassidy and Jenna Potochick, Event Co-Chairs, for coordinating all the details, and to many parent volunteers for making the morning a success.” View photos