Applications for Freshman Orientation Adventure (9GOA) Counselors
Informational meetings will be held for juniors and seniors who are interested in applying to be counselors on the 9GOA. At the meetings, students will learn more about the expectations and responsibilities of being either a group counselor or a senior counselor. In addition, applications will be distributed. Dates for the meetings, the application due dates, counselor training dates, and the trip in August are below. For more information about being a counselor, please see Mrs. Zeiner or Ms. Wickenden.
Informational meetings during Activities periods:
Seniors Counselors: January 26
Group Counselors: January 30 and February 7 (only attend one)
Application due dates:
Senior counselors: February 9
Group counselors: February 16
The training dates in August:
Seniors Counselors: August 3, 4 & 7
Group Counselors: August 4 & 7
Freshman Orientation Adventure for 9th graders and counselors: August 16-19