Elizabeth Hartman Williamson ’07 Chosen for Timothy Award
The 2021-2022 recipient of the Timothy Award is Elizabeth Hartman Williamson ’07, Middle School math teacher.
The Timothy Award is presented annually to an Episcopal teacher who exemplifies the ideal of Christian service to students and to the community. The Timothy Award recognizes the service of the individual and the importance of a vital Christian faith in the daily life of Episcopal School of Jacksonville. The recipient of the award will receive a check for $2,000 and will also designate another $1,000 gift to go to the charity of his or her choice. Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. (1Tim 6:20a) This award is presented in loving memory of T.S. Roberts, Jr. and given by his family.
This faith-filled life lived to the glory of God is evident in Elizabeth’s classroom and in all she says and does. One colleague said, “I have never met a teacher who so seamlessly pairs their spiritual life with their day to day walk.” Another commented “from the moment that students step into the classroom, they know they are seen, known, and loved for exactly who they are”… as the teacher makes “any student feel welcomed and celebrated.”
“While her students are truly blessed by her love and grace, every person on campus experiences the same love and grace in any and all interactions with her,” said The Rev. Teresa Seagle, School Chaplain. “One teacher commented, “I feel a special blessing whenever I am around her and I believe others can feel the sincerity of her natural loving spirit as well.””
These examples merely scratch the surface of Elizabeth’s deep and abiding love of God and a passion for serving others. Congratulations, Elizabeth!