Cate Sadler Anderson ’05 Speaks at Cum Laude Induction
Episcopal’s chapter of the Cum Laude Society inducted 30 new members at a special ceremony on Tuesday in the Munnerlyn Center. Cate Sadler Anderson ’05, who was inducted into the school’s Cum Laude chapter in 2004 and now works as a Europe and Asia Policy Analyst for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, gave remarks to students about how the Cum Laude Society’s values of Excellence, Honor, and Justice have served her in her career . Founded in 1906 and modeled after Phi Beta Kappa, the Cum Laude Society recognizes scholastic achievement in secondary schools. To be inducted as a junior, students must be in the top 10% of their class and have a GPA of 3.75 or higher. Qualifying seniors must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and be in the top 20% of their class Mike Brozowski, the school’s chapter president, recognized current members who were inducted last year as juniors and inducted this year’s new members from the junior and senior classes. The school’s chapter also inducted science teacher Marion Zeiner, who was recognized for her years of scholarship and contribution to science research at Episcopal.
New Inductees
Kathryn Louise Adams*
Gracyn Marie Camerlengo*
Lacy Ann Clausen*
John Patrick Coll
Thomas Coxe Commander*
Natalie Ferreira Do Amaral*
Daniel David Ferber
Elizabeth Rose Frick
Ainsley Marie Gray*
Antonio Xavier Hicks
Christina Grace Huie*
Brooke Watson Johnston
Diego Matthew Knowles*
Isabella Rose McQuade*
Mark Beza Abera Miller*
Bonnalynn McGaughey Moore
Anjali Madeleine Morris
Alisha Raj Maya Panchal
Natalie Christine Rabil*
Sean Robert Ramsey*
Samuel Elias Salameh
Caroline Elizabeth Taylor*
Lee-Ford Albert Tritt
Zoe Treese Tutor
Joao Pedro Vignoli Varella
Andrew Raul Velarde
William Lucas Volen*
Joelle Marie Wadei
Anne Winstead Waldrop
Lyla Ann Wright
*Members of the Class of 2023
Inducted in 2021
Isabella Christian Bryan
Jackson Arthur Crass
Phoebe Christine Fletcher
Sydney Hayley Freed
Katherine Alexandra Gabriel
Audrey Marie Gunnlaugsson
Jade Gina Hardwick
Michael Bradley Officer
Julia Elizabeth Polster
Taye Rendai Revels
Matthew Donald Schinsing
Hannah Kimberly Sheppard
Mary Calan Tiller
Ansley Brooke Walker
Olivia Grace Webster
Riley Elizabeth Wood