Seth Pajcic ’95 Establishes Endowed Fund in Memory of George Warren, History Teacher
Alumnus Seth Pajcic ’95 has established an endowed fund in memory of his former history teacher George Warren. Mr. Warren taught at Episcopal from 1978 to 1997 and was beloved for his teaching style. “George Warren did not teach history as just a series of dates and names to be memorized,” said Pajcic. “Instead he used the events of the past to challenge us to think critically about why those events occurred and how those events relate to the present and the future.” The George Warren History Endowment will generate annual supplemental funds for the history department and offer current and future teachers an opportunity to augment their teaching with materials and experiences that will deepen their study of history.
“This generous gift to our History Department in memory of George Warren stands as a testament to the profound impact that the effective study of history can have on the lives of our students at Episcopal,” said Jefferson Brant, Dean of Faculty and history department teacher. “The study of the past at its best is indeed more than just memorization of dates and single perspectives, as Mr. Pajcic noted, but is more accurately an immersive exercise in which history is critically examined and discussed, with the intention of forming, supporting, and expressing individualized perspectives. It is an exercise in critical thinking that previous department members like George Warren modeled for us, and that still guides our efforts as teachers of history at Episcopal today. I look forward to the opportunities that will be made possible in advancing this good work because of this generous gift to our department.”