Morning Mile Running Club
Mondays and Wednesdays
January 12 – February 23
7:30 a.m.
First – Fifth grade students are invited to join Jessica Ryals, St. Mark’s Campus Parent and 2022 Ascension St. Vincent’s Ortega River Run Committee member, to train and to improve their running skills.
- Arrive through the main carpool area and report to Berg Field
- In case of inclement weather, children will train in the Lori Schiavone Commons
- Students should arrive dressed for the day in their school uniform
- Students must be registered in advance by emailing Susan Kwartler, [email protected] by Monday, January 10. If your child is not pre-registered, they will be unable to attend.
Register today for the one or five mile 2022 Ascension St. Vincent’s Ortega River Run at ESJ.org/orr.