Students Combine Art and Social Studies to Create Globe Pumpkins
Second grade students recently mastered the geographic placement of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia thanks to a social studies unit all about continents. They also learned about oceans using map skills, memorized a catchy song to help them remember the largest to smallest land masses, and practiced directions with a compass rose. In culmination of their learnings, they designed their own globes out of pumpkins!
“Our students are excited about the fall season and all festivities that come with it,” said Dina Middlekauff, Second Grade Instructor. “What a great experience of making learning visible for these second graders right before Fall Break!”
Jessica Michaud, also a Second Grade Instructor, added, “We are grateful to our homeroom parents for donating pumpkins as well as for the collaborative effort from resource teachers to make this unit successful.”