
Play Therapist Supervisor Provides Behavioral Management Skills

ELP 1 – Grade 5 faculty and staff participated in training focused on understanding and effectively addressing diverse behaviors in children on Monday, October 18. In the course, called “Learn to Speak Child”, participants learned additional strategies for communicating and responding to behavioral challenges in a way that strengthens teacher/child relationships, meets children’s emotional needs, and helps children develop self-control.

To provide age-appropriate guidance, separate courses were offered for ELP 1 – Pre-K 4 and Grades K – 5 faculty and staff. Fostering a collaborative approach, Beaches Campus joined K-5 training as well. 

The course was led by Anna L. Farrin, LCSW Registered Play Therapist Supervisor. Farrin received her undergraduate degree in Human Development from Vanderbilt University and received a Masters Degree of Social Work and Graduate Certificate in Play Therapy.