Community Education Evenings (October 20-21)
Individuals can register for any of the sessions below by responding to the survey linked here. This link will remain open until 12:00 p.m. next Wednesday, October 13, and is limited to the first 15 to register for each of the following sessions.
Once registration is closed, we will follow up with an email to those signed up to confirm room assignments and share any materials to review in advance of each session. We’re looking forward to engaging members of our broader school community in one of our many learner-centered processes at Episcopal!
Wednesday 10/20 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Modeling in our Upper School Science Courses: This session is open to parents who are interested in experiencing Modeling Instruction in our Upper School Science courses. This learner-centered approach to scientific discovery engages students in the creation of real-world models of understanding in order to arrive at scientific conclusions, rather than having those conclusions dictated to them at the outset.
Thursday 10/21 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Harkness in our Middle School English Courses: This session is open to parents who are interested in experiencing an actual class in the Harkness Method in our Middle School English courses. This discussion-based method is a learner-centered approach to education that emphasizes student voice, discovery, and intellect at the center of the educational experience at Episcopal.
Thursday 10/21 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Harkness in our Upper School English Courses: This session is open to parents who are interested in experiencing an actual class in the Harkness Method in our Upper School English courses. This discussion-based method is a learner-centered approach to education that emphasizes student voice, discovery, and intellect at the center of the educational experience at Episcopal.