Fall Costume Parade and Parties
Costume Parade
Friday, October 29 will be a festive day on St. Mark’s Campus! ELP 1 – kindergarten students are encouraged to wear a costume to school! At 9:15 a.m., kindergarten students will lead students in a costume parade around Berg Field to showcase their costumes with parents and older students. ELP – Pre-K children who do not attend school on Friday are welcome to join their class with an adult for the festivities!
- ELP Parents: Please send your child to school in costume and plan to walk with your child in the parade. Afterwards, please come to the classroom to help your child change back into school clothes.
- Pre-K Parents: Please send your child to school in costume. You are welcome to walk with your child or watch the parade from Berg Field. After the parade, join your child’s class for an outdoor special snack.
- K Parents: Watch your children lead the parade from Berg Field. You are welcome to come back to campus in the afternoon for class parties (details below).
Please remember scary costumes or props are not permitted.
Class Parties
Outdoor class parties and special snacks will take place throughout the day. Homeroom parents will send a SignUp Genius in advance so parents can contribute paper products, special snacks, and drinks.
ELP 1 & 2: Parents will receive a SignUp Genius from homeroom parents and are encouraged to bring donated paper products and snacks in the morning during drop-off. To help our youngest students maintain a familiar routine, teachers will assist with a special snack in classrooms.
Pre-K: Class parties will take place immediately after the parade. Parents welcome!
Kindergarten: Class parties will take place from 2:15-2:45 p.m. on Baker Green. Parents welcome!
Grades 1 – 5: Class parties will take place from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Parents welcome!