Kip Collins Wins Timothy Award
The 2021 recipient of the Timothy Award is Kip Collins, Middle School math teacher.
The Timothy Award is presented annually to an Episcopal teacher who exemplifies the ideal of Christian service to students and to the community. The Timothy Award recognizes the service of the individual and the importance of a vital Christian faith in the daily life of Episcopal School of Jacksonville. The recipient of the award will receive a check for $2,000 and will also designate another $1,000 gift to go to the charity of his or her choice. Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. (1Tim 6:20a) This award is presented in loving memory of T.S. Roberts, Jr. and given by his family.
One colleague said of Kip, “Since my arrival at Episcopal, he has made me feel welcome and accepted, and does not ever just walk by without saying hello and engaging in conversation, even when he is busy or is having a hard day. He is the perfect example of someone who knows the importance of a vital Christian faith and serving others in the daily life of Episcopal.”
Another nomination added, “Kip consistently brings faith into every part of life at Episcopal. He stresses it among the athletes, the students and during his involvement in Chapel.”
One of his students said: “This teacher has changed my life over the last five years. Although I am not Christian [and] we do not agree on many things because of our religious differences, Mr. Collins loves every kid in this school whether knows them or not and would do anything for anybody who reaches out to him. “