Faculty and Staff Recognized for Years of Service
Faculty and Staff were recognized for years of service today at the end of year faculty and staff lunch for all three campuses.
5 Years
Ana Camille Abrahams
Lucia Allen
Michelle Baxter
Kathryn Bera
Claire Brandenburg
Jennie Busey
Sarah Chitwood
Kelli Chunn
Carolina Collins
Kim DeLong
Matt Flakus
Krista Grabher
Adam Greene
Wendell Hulsey
Ben Leer
AshleyAnn McGehee
Kelley Palmer
Claire Pulignano
Emily Sloan
Carolyn Tuttle
Lori Trobaugh
10 Years
Heather Johnson
Stephanie Schuster
Carla Shaw
Chip Stroud
Kate Wallis
Mark Zimmerman
15 Years
Susanne Dailey
Debbie Deppe
Brooks Gallagher
Cathy Kanaday
Leslie Sale
Jeff Silvernale
Anne Stuart
Anne Wiggins
20 Years
Katie Black-Bowling
Scott Jevic
Mary Krombach
Jake Nash
Sally Russo
Josephine Sanchez
Brenda Vermillion
25 Years
Ryan Riggs
Mike Rickey
30 Years
Steve Williams
35 Years
Mary Kathryn Smith
40 Years
Janet Buford
Candy Oberdorfer Edwards