Campus Celebrates Fifth and Sixth Grades
The St. Mark’s Campus celebrated the fifth and sixth grade graduates during two separate ceremonies on Wednesday, May 19 (fifth grade) and Friday, May 21 (fifth grade) in St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Prior to each ceremony, students were recognized and honored during a special Art Show and Celebration in the Lori Schiavone Commons.
Each graduation ceremony recognized students for their outstanding achievements.
Four special awards, representing the Four Pillars, were presented to fifth grade students:
William Adams received the Academic Achievement Award, given for accomplishing the highest academic achievement while pursuing intellectual growth through inquiry, critical thinking, and continuous engagement in the learning process.
Brady Moret received the Athletics Achievement Award, given for demonstrating outstanding sportsmanship, dedication to self-discipline, athletic potential, and the ability to serve as part of a team with respect and integrity.
William Baggett received the Fine Arts Achievement Award, given for cultivation of talent in the fine arts by engaging in creative thinking, self-expression, and displaying outstanding ability in the areas of visual and performing arts.
Lucy Perkins received the Faith, Character, and Culture Award, given for significant spiritual growth by choosing to lead, serve others, enrich (his/her) character development, and continue to develop a relationship with God and others.
Four special awards were also presented to sixth grade students:
Helen Eyrick received the Head of School Award, given for excellence in scholarship and academic achievement during the fifth and sixth grade years.
Gavin Bransford received the St. Mark’s Award, given for progress and excellence in setting goals, application to tasks, outstanding academic achievement, and development of talents during the fifth and sixth grade years.
Louisa Holyer received the Rector’s Award, given for portrayal of exemplary Christian qualities through the Fruit of the Spirit, loving concern for the welfare of others, and outstanding citizenship during the fifth and sixth grade years.
Max Kovacocy received the Board of Regents’ Merit Award, given for superior scholarship, exemplary leadership, and Christian ideals during the fifth and sixth grade years.
Roe Alexander
Nathan Allen
Kendel Badger
William Baggett
Benjamin Bates
Miles Blethyn
Margaret Brent
Matias Dinzelbacher
Rocco Falconetti
Zoey Jackson
Avery Joyner
Wilson Livingston
Brady Moret
Lucy Perkins
Carson Bechan
Gavin Bransford
William Cassady
Emery Duffy
Helen Eyrick
Mary Carol Eyrick
Aubrey Fellows
Luke Graham
Louisa Holyer
Alaïa Jeannin
Maggie Kidd
Max Kovacocy
Rees Longmire
Phillip Luschen
Robert McAfee
Marley Moret
Lily Pennington
William Rachels
Maddox Racine
Walker Richards
Dylan Roberts
Kailyn Ryals