St. Mark’s Campus Presents “High School Musical, Jr.”
The spotlight is on fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students with the release of their pre-recorded spring musical, High School Musical, Jr. Based on the smash hit movie musical, High School Musical, the show’s infectious, danceable songs engaged the entire St. Mark’s Campus community.
Before spring break, students performed grade level songs and lines in front of a live, socially distanced audience of parents. In addition, they spent several days recording the entire musical, scene by scene, so that it could be produced into a recorded show for family and friends. Sixth graders led the show and let their talents shine with solo singing performances, speaking parts, and choreography.
Musical Director Susanne Dailey, along with Claire Pulignano ’05, and choreography instructor Andrea Hagan, worked with students over several weeks to stage this wonderful production. Watch the production here.