
Advanced Honors Mathematics Participates in Math Modeling Challenge

Students in Advanced Honors Mathematics participated in an international math competition last week, working toward the solution of a large, open-ended problem about widespread internet needs and access on Friday, February 26. They worked from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., researching internet bandwidth and coverage, creating models for future internet needs, prices, and city coverage, and writing a paper describing their work and solutions.

Their executive summary is an overview of the process and their findings for the day. Leading up to the challenge, students created models from real and experimental data and visited with Dr. Tracey Stepien from the University of Florida. Seniors Jack Adams, Jameson Gatewood, Rohil Kanaparti, Ariel Largen, and Braden Witkovich will receive information about moving forward in the judging in late March.