Students Collect Art Supplies for Young Patients
St. Mark’s Campus first and second grade students have collected art supplies for their Service Learning Project – Art With a Heart in Healthcare – over the past few weeks. They created posters and placed collection bins around campus encouraging other students and faculty and staff to donate. Earlier this week, students spent time placing the supplies “Art-to-Go” bags that were blessed in Chapel this morning by The Rev. William Stokes from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. The bags will be delivered to local hospitals for young patients to enjoy during their stay.
Art with a Heart in Healthcare is a non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to arts and healing. They serve patients and their families in Jacksonville at Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Nemours Children’s Specialty Clinic, and Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital.
We are grateful for the blessing of the Art with a Heart in Healthcare program that makes such an impact on young patients in our community. The Episcopal School of Jacksonville, St. Mark’s Campus first and second grade students loved working on this fun, meaningful project.